Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of School

I so thought that I had been ready for this day ALL summer long. We went to "Meet the Teacher" last night and that is when things really became real to me. I have known that this day was coming for well at least 5 years. I should have planned better and maybe this wouldn't have been such a emotional day. So back to "Meeting the Teacher" we made our way to Tammara's classroom and began getting her all set up for class tomorrow. We dropped off all of the school supplies, Kinder Mat and back pack. The last bit of business was to fill out a few more papers. Then we were off to meet Mitchell's teacher! It is hard to believe that he is already a 3rd grader. We got Mitchell all set up for his first day back at school. We put all of his school supplies away and took a quick look around the room. Then we were off to get ready for the BIG DAY! School outfits were all picked out and put on the dressers nice and neat the night before. Thus making the 6:30 wake up call that much easier! The storm that had been developing all night long decided to wake us all up with a bang this morning! We were up and ready for the day.......even if it was a bit dreary outside. The kids got up and dresses for school, had breakfast.....the entire time We were praying that the power didn't go out so that we could enjoy our yummy oatmeal. We didn't have any added drama........thank goodness! Then we of course had to take some pictures! We managed to get this done and have time to say a quick hello to our Nana! Then it was time.......the bus was here and Mitchell and Tammara were off to school for their first day! Karrie must have been looking forward to this day ALL summer we walked back inside the house Karrie let out the loudest most hillarious, yet evil laugh you can imagine.........then she wanted to hear mine! That made my day.......that ended the emotional roller coaster and I was happy and excited for what the day might bring. Who knew that Karrie was such a character........really who knew?! I can't wait to hear all about their first day when they get home!

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